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 Post subject: THATS IT!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:44 pm 
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I have had it with the childish, immature, and down right mean attitudes some members have here. You want somewhere to make yourself feel important then go somewhere else. We've discussed the issues more than enough and me and my mods take a beating from ignorant, opinionated individuals who have nothing better to do than belittle others. Well it stops now. Most of those of you involved in the recent incidents have been warned before. Well, your banned. If you don't like it. Tough. You were warned. Those of your who haven't been previously warned and who posted against the spirit of the forum and/or gave grief to the VOLUNTEER mods and called them names including calling them Nazis... well, you just missed being banned outright. But this is your warning. Your only warning. I was tempted to shut this site down today because so many people have nothing to do but cause problems for other. And I still might shut it down. I don't like coming here anymore, and haven't for awhile. It fills me with dread to log in in the last year and I put up with it because for every idiot there are 20 good people who enjoy this site. So for now the site stays... but no guarantees. For now, the off topic section is closed.

I am done trying to be diplomatic, and nice. Those who deserve to get banned will get banned. Threads that I DON'T LIKE will get pulled, and that will be the final word. If you don't like it go away. And I don't care if your young, old, rich, poor, own a B-17 or a model of one. You crap on my forum and your outta here. Enough is enough. Feel free to voice your opinions on this thread.

Scott Rose
Warbirds Resource Group - Warbird Information Exchange - Warbird Registry

Be civil, be polite, be nice.... or be elsewhere.
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So If you like it here, and want to see it grow, consider helping out.


Thanks to everyone who has so generously supported the site. We really do appreciate it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:41 pm 
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Scott, as a guy who tries to Admin another board with a much smaller population, I give you kudos for staying sane as long as you have. I've been lucky that when I'm about ready to blow up I can lean on the other Admins and Mods to make sure I'm not really loosing it before taking action, be sure to do that yourself every once in a while, even if it means making friends with other Board Owners and using them to help occasionally.

I do hope you keep the forum up because it's been a Godsend to many of us warbird enthusiasts, volunteers, and owners to be able to come to one place to share our thoughts and accomplishments in a place that we've not been able to necessarily do elsewhere. I know that without this place, Gary wouldn't have been able to show us how "Diamond 'Lil" became "Ol' 927" and Dave wouldn't be able to show us how he's getting "FiFi" back into the air again. We wouldn't be able to see the progress on "Red Tail" or the PBJ. We wouldn't get to see "first ever" photos of a newly restored Griffon Spitfire being assembled and flown in the US. I could go on, but you know what I'm talking about.

There is too much good that you do with this site for it to all be wasted due to the few who can't follow the rules. I will admit that I occasionally let myself get drawn into the "land of nearly no return," and I will be sure to watch myself more closely in the future becuase I know you don't want it here, and I agree it doesn't really need to be here. There are other places for that kind of discussion, so I think those of us here will help you keep it on the track it needs to go, but if someone steps out of line, please let us know however you feel necessary, we are afterall guests on your board.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:49 pm 
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Thanks for your work and your patience. Do what you have to do to try and get back to being happy with your site.


Aerial Photographer with Red Wing Aerial Photography currently based at KRBD and tailwheel CFI.
Websites: Texas Tailwheel Flight Training, DoolittleRaid.com and Lbirds.com.

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. - Prov. 21:31 - Train, Practice, Trust.

 Post subject: ???
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:05 pm 
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I for one am relieved you've posted.
Myself and a few other have taken your absense and lack of
communication on illness rather than just being fed up. One is eaier
to deal with and fix than the other. I don't have the solution for you but
at least I will not try to be one of the problems :!:

Don't touch my junk!!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:29 pm 
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Scott, obviously I missed something, and I hate having OT shut down (I am considering opening a restaurant and was going to post my idea in OT) but I have to agree that I have been avoiding WIX as well and for the same reasons as you.

I used to pop in and start clicking threads and enjoying Jack and Gary's pics and threads, but it's got to the point where I just assume at some point someone is going to jump on the offensive just to be a jerk, and I'm either going to act like an idiot and respond in kind, or just log off and feel disgusted that such a great place has turned so nasty.

I understand your frustration and outright anger at having such a great site dirtied up with slights, innuendos, accusations and insults. Please don't close up shop--hopefully this will settle things down and we can all get back to smiling at things that make our hearts tremble in a good way!

As for the bans, police have long noted that only 1% of a population are repeat offenders. When those 1 percenters go away, you're left with only occasional failures in judgment, and teenagers playing mailbox baseball. I suspect this is what you will find here as things settle down, and we all can appreciate your and the mods hard work instead of living in dread that someone will start up another thread of misery and doom...

I AM however, a bit worried about those threads that morf from an interesting topic into an argument about politics due to politics being so involved in the subject matter. Instead of locking or killing good threads like has been done (all in good faith), could you just let the mods snip and whack as they see fit? I'm sure at least ONE of them knows how to edit *pokes James* without destroying the topic :p


"I knew the jig was up when I saw the P-51D-20-NA Mustang blue-nosed bastards from Bodney, and by the way the blue was more of a royal blue than an indigo and the inner landing gear interiors were NOT green, over Berlin."

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:38 pm 
I'm at a complete loss here Scott. There must be some very nasty PM's going back and forth between certain people here on WIX. I just don't see the nastiness. I have stated before that I don't ever personally attack, insult, be-little or threaten anyone here on WIX, not mods nor members. (unless provoked by the 1% who don't get how to be respectful) I certainly have gotten heated a bit at times, been insulted a bit at times and I have pissed it out with a few here at times, but it never has gotten out of hand in my opinion. We have always shook hands and made up in the end. Even guys like Bill Greenwood are harmless. So he's into what he's into, Big deal, I've never read a post from Bill or anyone here publically threaten anyone. I've been accused of having a thin skin at times, yah! big deal, I guess I do, but I can take what I dish out.

The bottom line is this is your website and you certainly can and will do what you want Scott, it's been a wonderfully fun site for me to play on. And BTW, I'm still trying to retire from posting, not because of anything I have done or anything anyone else has done, I just need to work more and play on the internet less. But again, I keep reading posts from a few stating WIX is turning into a soap opera, I just don't see it. I see a few flare ups every now and then and a few locked threads every now and then. If the mods have to lock things up no big deal in my book, I stated my opinion a while back and my opinion means nothing other than rambling. (like this post :wink: ) There's NOT ONE soul here I dislike, we're all old enough to be responsible and respectful ... RIGHT?!!! ... a little joking and self-teasing is good for the soul. :D

Scott you do what you feel you need to do. I'll respect any decision you make as I'm sure everyone else will as well. But again, I'm really not seeing the big mess here. I personally think everyone here on WIX have been great people, members and mods.

And no .... so far I haven't been warned, put on probation or even hinted I was crossing any lines. (disclaimer for those who think I'm sucking up to Scott ... :wink: :wink: :wink: )

Be nice all and have fun. If you got a problem with anyone, just simply PM them and ask them to chill out. Don't make it public.

Scott stick around and keep your great website running ... Hell, I'll be a moderator too if you need more help. I'll have a soft voice, yet carry a big stick. :roll: :roll:

& WTF's this "off-topic" area, I've never been there, is this where all the in-fighting is going on? ... or is it "in-breeding"? :wink:


BTW, I'm learning WAY too much here from so many people much smarter than me .... We ALL can work out any problem Scott or the rest of the mods are having difficulty with. There's too much to lose here if this site is closed. If I'm one of the problems, I'll be glad to be banned from posting .... JUST AS LONG AS I CAN STILL LURK!!!!! .... 8) 8) 8) :wink: :wink:

Last edited by Hellcat on Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:45 pm 
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Zip your fly Mark. That's the wrong kind of stick :shock: :oops: :P

"I knew the jig was up when I saw the P-51D-20-NA Mustang blue-nosed bastards from Bodney, and by the way the blue was more of a royal blue than an indigo and the inner landing gear interiors were NOT green, over Berlin."

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:43 pm 
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Man I can sure understand your feelings. I was really into warbirds for a long time but some of the stuff I have read here over the last year or so has really put me off. I don't visit or post much anymore but I dropped in tonight and saw this and had to respond.

Some folks need to realize that this hobby or business or whatever you want to call it is VERY small, and angry posters don't need to drive people away you need to welcome them at every chance. For example flipping people the finger emoticon. Very childish.

Best of luck Scott.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:45 pm 
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Scott please do not close this forum. It has been a godsend for my projects and our Lancaster restoration. it is also great to see other peoples efforts to preserve the legacy of those that gave us our freedom that we enjoy today.



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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:08 pm 
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Scott, I think you do a heck of a job running an incredible website. Please keep it up.
I support you. Sounds like the OT forum needed to go away. People with edged weapons to grind need to just trade their own emails and do their biz in private. I never visited to OT forum and I personally do not feel that I have ever received what I'd call a cheap shot from another WIXer.
I don't want to lose this incredible resource due to a few grumpy types. Hang in there Scott.

Doug Ratchford

"I love the smell of 100LL in the morning."

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:19 pm 
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Wow Scott... I am really sorry to hear this. I must have been missing what happened, as I haven't seen any of the heat that's been mentioned. I can only recall one or two times that I logged in to off topics, as... well, it's off the topic I come here for which is news, information and comraderie.

However, I fully support you taking a stronger line. I sincerely hope you keep the site open though... it is the most important site of its type on the net. You have an awful lot to be proud of. A few bad apples shouldn't spoil all of your effort and hard work... they are just a few mouse clicks from the delete file, and should realize it. I do hope things calm down. But if they don't .... then weild your veto pen and banish the ugly tempered types.

I for one would be extremely sad to see WIX go... we have a great community here, and it would be very sad to see it come to a close.

All the best,

Richard Mallory Allnutt - Photography - http://www.rmallnutt.com

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:01 am 
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RMAllnutt wrote:
Wow Scott... I am really sorry to hear this. I must have been missing what happened, as I haven't seen any of the heat that's been mentioned. I can only recall one or two times that I logged in to off topics, as... well, it's off the topic I come here for which is news, information and comraderie.

However, I fully support you taking a stronger line. I sincerely hope you keep the site open though... it is the most important site of its type on the net. You have an awful lot to be proud of. A few bad apples shouldn't spoil all of your effort and hard work... they are just a few mouse clicks from the delete file, and should realize it. I do hope things calm down. But if they don't .... then weild your veto pen and banish the ugly tempered types.

I for one would be extremely sad to see WIX go... we have a great community here, and it would be very sad to see it come to a close.

All the best,

Once again, Richard's eloquence exceeds my own.

Simply add my name to the list of those who would be deeply saddened to see WIX end.

It was a good idea, it just didn't work.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:08 am 

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I've only just joined this site and have enjoyed reading(and learning)soem very interesting posts. I would be saddened if this site was closed due to an ignorant few!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:27 am 
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Hey Scott,

I don't like posting on threads that talk about "the state of the message board".... but I figure I should let you know what I think and having it public is more meaningful than in a PM.

WIX is a second home to me. Sometimes my girlfriend feels that it's my primary home, and where I actually sleep at night is my secondary home.

I am sorry that this site causes you stress. Obviously the fun has really been sucked out of it for you. I agree with your iron fist efforts with controlling the bad seeds. I hope your recent move will make WIX a comfortable place for you to visit. That's the way it should be.

On one side, I feel there are some very important contributors that sometimes say some off colour things. I wouldn't want some of them to go, while some do deserve to be blocked.

Lately I haven't noticed much tension on here. In fact there was a thread recently that there was a differing in opinions... yet it was dealt with very professionally and I think that both parties left the conversation not feeling beaten up.

I rarely ever check the OT section, so I guess I've missed out on some very interesting conversations.

Keep WIX runnin' it's too good to lose. Thank you again for creating and managing this social zoo.


David M

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:01 am 
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Wow, I never seen you this pee ood Scott. Guess some folks just do not know how to behave in public. I for one, as do many others appreciate all you do to keep WIX going. If I ever get out of line in your opinion, please let me know. I have enjoyed WIX for a long time, & would hate to see it go away.
Best Regards
P.S. Who did you give the boot to? :shock:

Fly Fast Make Noise!

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